Member's benefit
Get a privileged connection with a community of professionals passionate about the training of disadvantaged students.
  • Through the network, 13 members work hand in hand across 5 countries.
Exchange experience and learn best practices from peers during regional and national gatherings.
  • 69 school representatives actively participated in at least one of the 5 regional seminars organized by the network.
Organize staff or student exchanges with other members or partner schools in Europe.
  • 35 trainers and 11 students (from 8 member schools) participated in cross trainings
Access a wide range of shared information and tools from all members through the resource center
  • Almost 300 resources shared by members on the resource center
Get contact and service recommendations
  • Contact databases are available in the resource center
Receive individualized support to make the most of your membership.
  • 1 individual call organized with each member every quarter
Receive expert support
  • 20 expert visits and 1 webinar benefiting 47 school representatives organized in the frame of the Eco-school initiative.
Train your trainers
  • Capacities of 55 school representatives strengthened through 12 training of trainers
  • 3 training courses developed and shared with members (environmental awareness, entrepreneurship, fight against the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism)
Take an active role in studies on specific topics conducted by the network and its partners
  • 5 member schools taking part in “Valued. Paid. Recognized.“ a study on women’s empowerment in the Mekong tourism and hospitality sector.
Join the network’s scholarship program and extend support to more vulnerable students
  • 86 students granted a one-year scholarship
Make your training even more inclusive to people in need
  • Support in gender monitoring offered to members
  • 1 gender workshop involving XX school representatives
Offer your beneficiaries more opportunities for socio-economic integration
  • 190 students introduced to entrepreneurship through business games
Be part of an exclusive network of non-profit schools, renown for gathering some of the region’s best vocational training centers.
  • Winner of PATA Grand Award 2019
  • Signatory of Future of Tourism Coalition
Promote your school/social enterprises through the network's comprehensive set of communication tools and events.
  • Website, brochures
  • Communication campaigns on social media
  • 7 conferences gathering more than 500 participants
  • 3 publications
Increase your presence in media, within key tourism organizations and on the international stage.
  • ASSET-H&C is member of PATA and Mekong Tourism Advisory Group
Grow your network of partners and supporters. ASSET-H&C has an extensive network of partners including:
  • Tourism and hospitality companies
  • International organizations
  • NGOs
  • Public sector stakeholders
Get recognized for your commitment to responsible tourism through the network’s projects and publications.
  • Articles in travel media and on partners’ website
Increase your impact by inspiring others to act
  • Capitalization Journal 2016: a study on key levers for the sustainable training and integration of youth in tourism
  • Eco-Guide for Hospitality Businesses and Schools
  • “Valued. Paid. Recognized.”: A Desk Review of Initiatives Promoting Women’s Empowerment in the Mekong Hospitality & Tourism Sector
Our Impacts

schools across 5 countries

Capacities of


members' staff enhanced


members' staff

joined at least one seminar


staff benefiting

from capacity building


one-year scholarship granted

to disadvantaged students


people sensitized to sustainable

tourism through events

Testimony of Philippe BÉS
Director of Sala Baï, an ASSET-H&C member in Siem Reap, Cambodia

It is always beneficial to take a step back from everyday school life and exchange ideas with people working in the same sector. This seminar provided the opportunity to go even further and adopt a strategic vision of our mission. After these two days, I have a better understanding of our main challenges, such as the integration of ASEAN recommendations into our training syllabuses. Sharing good practices is a particularly enriching and fruitful exercise, in particular via the workshops designed, for example, to increase the amount of self-funding for our projects. I want to thank the IECD for taking the initiative to create this network and for the excellent organization of this meeting. I look forward to participating in future meetings and, in the long term, to being involved in common projects.

Testimony of Aung Phyoe Min
Vice-Principal of the IHHVTC, an ASSET-H&C member in Inle, Myanmar

As the ASSET-H&C’s motto says: « alone we go faster, but together we go further. » I now feel that the IHHVTC is no longer alone! We can share our experiences, exchange resources, and work hand-in-hand to build a better future for the young people of Southeast Asia.

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