  • Environmental audits conducted in 10 member schools
  • Publication of the Eco-Guide for Hospitality Businesses and Schools in Burmese, English, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.
  • Creation of a Environmental Awareness curriculum and training of trainers from 11 schools on the topic
  • 380+ people sensitized through events on environmental sustainability
What we do

As vocational training centers, ASSET-H&C members are a major source of influence, through the youth and adults they train, to drive large-scale and long-term changes.

In 2017, at the request of members, the network launched the Ecospitality initiative which comprised two main components:

  • The Eco-Schools project to help members improve their operations and practices in a sustainable manner and reduce their impacts on the  environment.

In collaboration with Artelia Engineering, ASSET-H&C conducted environmental audits in 10 member schools to assess their environmental footprint, identify good practices, and provide guidance on taking concrete and easy-to-implement actions to reduce electricity and water consumption as well as to improve waste management.

Good practices drawn from the observations and recommendations of Artelia were then compiled into an Eco- Guide for Hospitality Businesses and Schools  to  leverage the outcomes of this process. This publication is geared towards all interested tourism  stakeholders willing to increase their environmental sustainability.

  • The Eco-Students project to build environmental knowledge and capacities among students who will shape the tourism of  tomorrow.

An environmental awareness and sustainable development training curriculum was created in collaboration with PSE-Institute, an ASSET-H&C member in Cambodia, and Cam Conscious Tourism to educate and train students on environmental challenges and on how to perform in a more responsible  way  in  their future job.

Why we act

A global issue affecting everyone, and particularly young people in the Global South. 

Today’s extreme weather events clearly show that climate change is here and is real.

Some two billion young people globally have been born and will grow up under global warming. They are destined to spend the rest of their lives confronting its mounting negative impacts on food production, water supplies, and health. This is particularly true for youth living in the Global

South, where a larger proportion of the economic activity is concentrated in sectors sensitive to climate, with less capacity to adapt.

Environmental issues have a broad impact on the tourism and hospitality industry, and vice versa.

The tourism and hospitality industry depends on a healthy global ecosystem. Destinations’ natural environment is a major reason for travelling, and therefore an essential part of tourism products. In addition, the industry is particularly vulnerable to environmental damage such as drought and inadequate water supply, hurricanes and cyclones, flooding, rising sea levels and higher mean temperatures.

At the same time, the industry has a major impact on the environment due to excessive carbon emission, use of resources, waste production, and other unsustainable practices.

The sector, which is  increasingly held accountable by consumers, has to better address these challenges. As tourism and hospitality is a labor-extensive industry, it is indisputable that human resources are essential to convert into action any sustainability strategy or policy.

As vocational training centers, ASSET-H&C members are a major source of influence through the youth and adults they train. Equipping them with awareness and good practices through training and frequent monitoring will drive large-scale and long-term changes to contribute to a more eco-friendly and sustainable tourism industry.

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