  • 11 trainers trained to deliver “Entrepreneurship, I can do it!”—an entrepreneurship awareness course
  • 196 students sensitized to entrepreneurship through business games and 29 trainers introduced to the business games training approach
  • 2 member schools benefited from tailored technical assistance for the implementation of an enterprise incubator for alumni
What we do

In 2019, ASSET-H&C organized a training to support trainers with the delivery of the entrepreneurship awareness course—“Entrepreneurship, I can do it!”. The three-day course focused on equipping trainers with basic entrepreneurship knowledge, methodology as well as practical tools to train and engage students. Under the guidance of instructors from IECD’s Micro and Small Entrepreneurs Support Program, participants learned how to introduce students to entrepreneurship fundamentals, further supporting students’ professional integration.

In the same year, ASSET-H&C commissioned an expert to deliver Business Games—an additional component of the course—in various member schools. The component consisted of business simulation exercises such as market study, business concept, and business planning using Microsoft Excel to set and manage the finance for their business. Students then worked in teams to bring their project to life, using a set budget. For three days, students had the chance to create, plan, and test the viability of their business, then present their final product to a jury. Through these exciting activities, students gained hands-on experience in the creation and day-to-day running of a business and a better understanding of the challenges of running a micro-enterprise. Throughout the component, trainers assisted the delivery of these activities and observed the expert in order to carry out the component by themselves later on.

As market conditions were changing, more schools started to develop their own initiatives to support their alumni who had worked for a few years in the industry and were now willing to create their own business.  In 2021, in collaboration with IECD’s Micro and Small Entrepreneurs Support Program, the network provided members with tailored support that addressed their unique needs, ranging from face-to-face training to online training and even developing a start-ups incubator mechanism for alumni.

Why we act

Self-employment offers additional opportunities for job integration

Unemployment in the early stages of their career can have serious long-term impact on young people.  Without the opportunity to build up skills or experience during their first years in the workforce, unemployed youth might see a decrease in lifetime earnings as compared to those who started with steady work. In fact, it is estimated that unemployment affects youths’ earnings for about 20 years. Young people

are also three times as likely as adults to be unemployed. Self-employment via creating a micro/small enterprise gives youths more opportunities to kick start their future.

Gaining entrepreneurship skills gives youth with entrepreneur aspirations  greater chances to succeed.

Within ASSET-H&C network, though most graduates will find job opportunities in the formal sector, some of them are keen to start their own business activity, often after having gained some experience as employees. The motivation to start a business is usually linked to a desire to return to their community, where employment opportunities can be scarce.

However, limited prior knowledge on the topic can put youth at risk of  making serious mistakes that will compromise the sustainability of their activity, and consequently their own financial situation. A greater understanding of the opportunities and constraints of entrepreneurship as well as the aptitudes required of an entrepreneur can save youth from making such mistakes. Meanwhile, being well-equipped with essential entrepreneurship skills gives them the confidence to launch and run their business.

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